Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My SYP Dallas Story

Hi there! My name is Halle Smith and I am the VP of Public Relations for SYP Dallas. I thought I’d introduce myself by sharing the story of how I got involved with SYP…

My involvement with SYP was sort of an impulsive decision, but I can honestly say I’ve never looked back. I had just changed jobs and was actually at a company that encourages and appreciates volunteer work. I was looking to get involved with something I could feel passionate about, but really wasn’t sure where to start. I knew I wanted to do something different.

My long-time friend and sorority sister, Liz Healy, said “why don’t you come to Geisha House with me for dinner tonight. I’m meeting with a few people that want to launch a Dallas chapter for an LA non-profit. Why don’t you join me?” The next thing I knew I was on the board. For those of you that know Liz, you know her enthusiasm is infectious and she can be more than a little convincing. The reality is this wasn’t a tough sell. The minute I learned what SYP was all about, I was hooked.

At the time, the mission of SYP intrigued me – as an ambitious young professional, I can’t always commit to a regular Saturday volunteer day. Though I wish I could, unfortunately my schedule fluctuates too much with work. The idea that SYP allows people with unusual schedules a chance to give back was really appealing. I especially appreciated that SYP isn’t tied to a specific cause, which allows us to make a difference near and far, and for a variety of different causes – really anything we are passionate about. I also appreciated that by building this from the ground-up in Dallas, we as members could make SYP Dallas anything we wanted it to be. Every member has a voice and I loved that idea!

After that first dinner, I only knew Liz at the time and I had no idea just how inspiring each of the members on the board would be – not to mention kind, ambitious and fun! I am so lucky to now call them friends. SYP has afforded me so many amazing new friends and great business contacts. The enthusiasm Dallas has shown about SYP is viral – after only a few short months we have nearly 1,000 fans on Facebook and see new faces at every meeting. We’ve already come so far and I’m so proud to be part of something so new and different for Dallas.